08 December 2009

a friend asked me how my parents were doing, so I responded:

My parents are completely different than when you knew them. My dad gave up riding a bike so he could focus on his real passions: NASCAR, cheap fortified wine and cigars. He also burned his beloved piano one night in a drunken rage after a long night of shooting his shotgun at the moon and throwing rib bones for his favorite pitbull. That man sure does love his dogs, gun and liquor!

And my mom, well, she realized that art and food just don't cut it anymore, so she decided to become a full time bingo caller as well as running a full service male escort service out of their basement.
It's a pretty ruthless career, but she's a real spitfire, so she holds her own.

Other than that, they're the same old Sarah and David that they always have been.

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