01 December 2009

...it's off to the show!

…and then I woke up and decided that if anyone was going to change the world, it might as well be me.

So I gathered my words and my pens and my paper. I gathered my friends and ideas and thoughts, and I set off to find the best way to begin.

I traveled the land and the sea and the sky. I walked among towers and valleys and towns, and still I knew not how to begin.

And then I found you, and I knew where to start, it was as simple as finding your heart. So I looked in your eyes and I whispered “I know!” And you whispered the same, and it was off to the show.

Not shows like the rows and the tents of a fair, but something much grander, much greater, more there!

A show of the weight and the wonder of life!

A show so spectacular, so splendid, so real,
That everyone, anyone can’t help but feel,
The rush of existence, the beauty of now!

And that, my dear friend, is all that we need

1 comment:

  1. that's romantic. i wish i could be that romantic. living in the now doesn't always come easy; i also wish i couldn't help but feel. you are an amazing and expressive writer, brian.


thank you