14 February 2012

Attention to Detail

Valentine's Day.

My long ago ex-girlfriend and I would occasionally joke about Nine Inch Nails' song "Closer" being our song. I went to a bakery where they were creating custom heart-shaped cookies for Valentine's Day and filled out the request sheet to have the lyrics from the chorus printed with frosting.

Since "
I want to fuck you like an animal" was a bit much to fit on one cookie, I decided to have it split between three of them and that's where my mistake was.

I assumed that the clerk knew the song and that I didn't really have to explain that the order I'd written the lyrics was the order they should be packaged.

Unfortunately, the cookie with "I WANT TO" was underneath the first one she took out of the box that said "FUCK YOU."

Lesson Learned, LIKE AN ANIMAL.


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